The Wall
At the start of our relationship,
we said it would last forever.
Now, through all of our ups and downs,
we are proud to stil be together.
There is still a wall between us,
trying to force us apart.
But that wall is weak,
compared to the strength of the heart.
As long as the heart
is strong and full of love,
and we try to spend each night
talking to the dear Lord above.
There will be no wall
to stand in our way.
Our love will grow stronger
throughout every single day.
As long as we succeed
in getting over this one big wall,
then, nothing in the world
will ever make our love fall.
Time can be answer
to anything that goes wrong.
It can also make two hearts
continue to grow strong.
It takes a little time
to knock a wall down,
and to crumble this wall,
is where we are bound.
It may take a year,
or maybe even two,
but now is the time to say,
Baby, I Love You!!
unpublished work: �copyright 1993 by Troy D. Walker

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