Our Love
I love the girl
with all of my heart.
I know now what she means to me
now that we are apart.
I would do anything
to prove to her my love.
I have told everyone that,
even the dear Lord above.
I found out the reason,
it was another guy.
After I found out that,
I wanted to up and die.
Our love was once
just like a rose,
every day growing stronger,
even as the wind blows.
Like a unique rose,
staying strong through any weather,
no matter what happens,
it stays as soft as a feather.
But now we have seen a storm,
that is making the rose wilt.
It makes me think,
and feel so much guilt.
Like I have done something
to cause a problem,
to make her want to go,
and leave me for him.
There is a little
shimmer of hope,
and that little shimmer
has caused me to cope.
So whatever happens
to the love that we shared,
I want her to know
that I still do care.
I just want to go back
to the way we were.
I hope that she will never forget
that I will always love her.
unpublished work: �copyright 1993 by Troy D. Walker

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