The Icon of Love
The icon of love
would best be described
as the all beautiful,
passionate rose bush.
Each rose
holding a significant
aspect of how love
grows, and then dies.
Just to form
a new bud,
to bloom into a full
new beginning.
Then to wilt,
and then die,
and begin again
into the same cycle.
For, to make love last
takes a certain cycle
of stages and changes
of growing, then dying.
Just like the rose bush,
love holds the passion,
with branches
of new and old.
We fall in love
with a certain newness
that eventually gets old
and fades away.
But only after finding
something new to behold,
a new aspect of love
to grow upon,
repeating the same
cycle as before.
This is the cycle
that keeps love true.
There are also those
many unfortunate ones
that never sprout
new buds of love.
So that when
the newness of love
begins to die,
and nothing new is found,
that the whole
of the rose bush itself
begins to wilt
and eventually die.
And for those,
a new bush must be found
for their love
to ever grow any buds.
Some go through
many of the cycles
of finding new buds
and growing from that.
Then, as time passes on
the love gets old
and the bush
begins to die.
They forget
to plant a new bush
from the seeds
of the old,
and the old bush
dies and fades away,
along with the love
that was once there
beautiful, abundant,
and filled with roses.
To make love last
we muct understand
that like roses
and the bushes
on which they grow
it can and will die.
We must be able
to plant new seeds
of love within
the love still present.
Even though certain
aspects of love
can and will die,
we can bring new life
to something dying,
or almost dead.
Because in love,
everything can be replaced,
Because everything
will eventually die,
but only after living
its life to the fullest.
unpublished work: �copyright 1995 by Troy D. Walker

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