To My Great-Grandmother With Love
I know that you
cannot look upon these words
with the eyes that God gave you
to gaze at the beauty of the earth.
I pray that He
will allow you to see
this masterpiece
from the eyes of the spirit.
For it to be
a masterpiece,
takes writing it
for the right reasons.
Not for fame and fortune,
but for the love that I hold
for the beautiful soul
that you kept for so many years.
You have always had
a love for art,
and expressed it through
your many paintings.
I also have
a love for art,
but express it my way,
through the form of poetry.
For basically the same reason
of your love of art,
to express the love
that you held in your heart
for the things that you painted,
and for no other reason but that.
I, on the other hand
use poetry to express feelings
and experiences toward
things I love or loved.
God blessed us both
with the talent we have,
and let us form ourselves
into the genius' we are.
For being a genius
takes nothing, but
knowing you are
and feeling that way.
For everyone is a genius
in their own particular fashion.
Every time that I think of you,
it brings a smile to my face,
but it also brings
a tear to my eye.
The smile is from
your personality remembered,
the tear for the fact
that you can no longer
share your experiences
with the people around you.
Just because you are
no longer with us
only means you are gone
in the physical sense.
You will still be with us
but now in the heart,
and every time we see
a picture signed by you,
we will still see
your beautiful smiling face.
May God be with you
for all of eternity,
and may you be happy
sharing heaven with everyone
you have always longed
to see once again.
You will stay in our prayers,
and remain in our hearts.
You memories will linger
in our minds forever.
We love you Big Granny,
and always will.
unpublished work: �copyright 1994 by Troy D. Walker

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