What is this Feeling?
Why must I sit
alone in my home
letting tears
fall into my lap,
due to the fact
that you are not
here to share every
moment with me?
Could it be the fact
that I cannot be alone?
Or perhaps I feel that I
have not shared enough?
Could it possibly be
that I know that I
am falling in love
but cannot admit it?
I have fallen
in love before,
and it never felt
anything like this.
But then again
I have always heard
that every time
the feeling is different.
How is it possible?
I have not known you
but only a short time,
then again, I feel
as if I have known you
for some time now.
What made that occur?
I probably know why.
Could it be that we
are so much alike?
That I know myself,
so therefore I should
know you as well?
Learning more from you,
teaching me more about myself,
and vice-versa.
Is it really love
that I feel in my heart?
Is God working his wonders
once again in my life?
Bringing me someone
that I have always wanted?
Or maybe that I found you,
through God and his wonders.
I have guarded my heart
all too well, without fail.
At least that is what
I have attempted to do.
Because I always let
my guard down eventually.
You are rather special though,
because you are welcome in my heart.
Whatever it is about you,
something very mysterious.
You know me better
than I know myself.
And opened my eyes
to my faults and to the world,
along with helping me find the keys
to everything I locked away for so many years.
You make me happy,
just by thinking of you.
even though the tears fall
because I remember your beauty.
I will stay happy
until you decide
when it is your time
to tell me farewell forever.
I pray that will never happen,
and will do what I can to insure it,
and right now do one thing,
which is to not think about it.
hoping to keep pure thoughts,
maybe your beautiful heart and soul,
and enjoy the good times,
but prepare for the bad.
One day, it will hit,
and that day I will know,
that what I feel in my heart
is truly love for you.
But for that to happen,
I have to have you let me in,
but also I must know
that you feel the same way.
unpublished work: �copyright 1995 by Troy D. Walker

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