My Feelings for You
Being mended and torn apart,
again mended and torn apart,
would most closely describe
the history of my heart.
As it's said: "With time
all things will heal".
and now that you are mine,
I cannot describe how I feel.
I wish I could be with you
every day and every night.
My feelings will never change,
not even from our worst fight.
We may have a difference in age,
but that has no virtue,
because age is no factor,
with the feelings I have for you.
To me you are beautiful,
and as sweet as can be,
and everytime I am with you,
my heart is filled with glee.
Your lips are so soft,
and sweet when we kiss.
It is truly a feeling that
I will never want to miss.
With all of my heart,
to the dear Lord I pray,
that you and I together,
and forever will stay.
unpublished work: �copyright 1992 by Troy D. Walker

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