My Uncle Curtis
My Uncle has had a hard life,
but his family he will still love.
No matter how hard it gets,
he stays with the God above.
He might sometimes feel like
his life is starting to crumble,
but he gets on his knees,
and tells God his troubles.
He has been through enough
to make a grown man quit,
but he is way too special
to give up and throw a fit.
To me he is special
becuase he keeps trying,
hoping it will get better,
and go a day without crying.
God must have something
especially planned for him,
for Curtis to go through
life's jungle gym.
I respect him because
of what he stands for,
he is a true Christian
all the way to the core.
When he gets to Heaven
he deserves the peace of the dove.
I do not stand alone for Curtis,
because him the family loves.
unpublished work: �copyright 1992 by Troy D. Walker

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